September Lure Fishing for Bass Blog

In the past, we have always considered the bass season to get going properly in September with larger bass turning up on our shores. The nights will start to draw in and the sea temperature will get slightly cooler. Mackerel numbers will decrease but garfish will be in abundance which is why we are certain we see huge bluefin tuna numbers in the SW. The bass along with the tuna will be feeding on the garfish and other bait in September. Historically we have caught the most bass in September so it's something to certainly get excited about. You will see pictures on social media of big fish being caught in the month and you should all be looking forward to it. When the fish are on the feed they will be in large numbers and you should catch lots of bass so try and get out as much as you can. Always remember that when the tide is moving so are the bass so fish mid tides up or down (ie 3 hours before high or 3 hours after high) work best for us. We generally fish towards the west on the incoming tide and fish the east on an outgoing tide. The bass will swim with the tide so fish when it’s moving fast in and out. 

Beach/Rocks: Go here ideally if there is a decent swell and surf in the day time. If there isn't surf then the calm seas will fish best at night and its safer which is an added bonus. Generally, the larger bass will be underneath the smaller bass so if you’re catching smaller bass off the top then use a shallow diving lure to pluck out the bigger ones.
From the shore consider casting huge distances into the waves.
Seadra Aqua Bullet  (20g - 80g)
Consider changing your speed of retrieve this month also as they might be full up and sometimes a "slower"or faster retrieve might work better. A quiet spot during the day (like the featured picture) consider it might switch on at night with bass driving bait fish into coves and beaches. If at night and it’s dark use white or something bright even pink!! If it's a full moon use something dark. 

Lures at night "Cornish Snax" White. These work well on a weightless hook when it's dark with no moon.
Cornish Snax at night with a full moon. Black with blue glitter
Day time Snax and Pearl Colour White & Watermelon. 
Lures in the daytime:
Sub Surface Lures (Mark Aston here in Norfolk)
Sub-Surface Divers (Edy B here in Cornwall)
Estuary: If the weather is calm and nothing is going on out the beach then try the estuaries. The bait fish will try and find a safe haven within an estuary and push right up the river and the bass will follow in their droves. Don't forget that bass will use the tide to swim so keep an eye on the movement and cast into the direction of the tide so that the fish will see the rear of the lure first. 
We have had great success with our supersoft paddletail lure sets this year and can't recommend them enough. 
Lures at night our Cornish Worm once again white is the most popular color (work at different depths and speeds) Below Black & Blue Flake
Small topwater lures for the estuary
Lures in the daytime "Paddletails" or these 
Clear Water Natural Mix
Muddy Water or at night (White Mix)

1 comment

Jamie Jackson

I’ve just started lure fishing, not catching anything 🫣 it so difficult. Thinking of getting a bait setup aswell. Great blog

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