Lure Fishing for Bass at Night Blog (White & Bright) - Bass Lures UK

Night Lure Colour Blog:

We at Bass Lures UK stock a whole load of lure colours for our customers. These lures come in all shapes and sizes. Surface, Sub-surface, Deep Divers and soft hand made lure sets. For the daytime it’s just a case of selecting different lures and colours and sticking to one that works. If it works, why would you change it? Then don’t, our best days have consisted of moving until you find something the bass like the look of. If they are there, then you will know instantly. Don’t stay in one spot for too long if it is quiet. Try and match the hatch as best as possible but you will discover what colours work well in your areas over time. Different colours work in different parts of the country. Just because a bass is caught in Kent on a silver-coloured lure doesn’t mean its going to work in South Wales. You need to get out and discover the different colours that will work in your areas.

White: When the sun is bright weirdly a white lure is a deadly colour to use. Not really sure why but we can only imagine it’s because a bass thinks that a shimmering white fish might be struggling and weak so it will potentially see it as vulnerable and easy prey. 

Night: What we would like to talk about is colours especially at night. You may ask yourself how would a bass see a lure at night? It might hear it but surely it wouldn’t see it if its pitch black. Well, that’s not exactly true. The moon plays a big factor in fishing at night also. The moon acts like a floodlight so certain colours like white, pink, chartreuse & black would be seen better at night. If the moon is shinning bright then most colours would work especially lures with shinny glitter in them but generally certain colours at night would work better. When the moon light hits the water it allows a black lure to stand out and it will enhance the lure and make it more effective. This is why white and black coloured lures are very popular as more people are fishing at night. You could even try a black and white lure if you have any in your bag. The bass will venture nearer to our shores under the cover of darkness. 

We really like this new video from Beneath the Waves Fishing Jersey showing you what to do at night.

Video: Lure fishing at night 

White Surface Lures:

Small White

Medium White

Large White


White Soft Plastic Lures:

Thin Senko Sets

Large Senko Sets


Stick Sets

Paddletails Sets

Easy Shinner Sets

White Sub-Surface Lures.

White Hound Style

White Shallow Shoreline Runner

White Shallow Diver

UV: The other option is UV at night. This is an unknown quantity and can certainly help on some occasion. As soon as you use UV lures then different type of fish will be interested in it including pollock.

UV Lures:

UV Deep Divers

Bass Lures UK

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