What is the most important aspect of bass lure fishing? - Bass Lures UK

Over the last few months, we have had to re-discover our bass lure fishing as it has been very different from previous years. We have really struggled in estuaries and had to rely on the open coast for our fishing this year. That has been hit and miss and we have discovered a few things whilst trying out new aspects. What is more important? When you go lure fishing? Where you go fishing? Or what you use lure wise to go lure fishing? Obviously this only our opinion in Cornwall and this will change all over the UK. eg: in Cornwall when the water is clear you are less likely to catch fish, however if you’re from the SE then the clearer the better. 

When you go lure fishing is to us the most important element in our opinion. Do not go when it’s amazing weather and bright sunshine unless there is a huge bait ball right in front of where you are fishing. Although it’s lovely fishing when it’s beautiful sunshine you are less likely to catch bass when it’s gin clear and sunny here in Cornwall. There is one exception to this and that’s when the surf is churning up everything and making the water clarity a lovely white fizzy colour. We much prefer a cloudy stormy day to a sunny day all day long. We have caught 90% of our bass this year when it’s thundery, raining and overcast. 10% of our catches are when the conditions are more favourable for a day at the beach rather than fishing. Also important is when in the day you go fishing. Dawn, Dusk, Day and Night..... We do love an early rise and really enjoy a sunset, but the best time unfortunately is when it is dark. That’s when the bigger bass come into prey on small bait fish. It’s not something we enjoy doing as it messes up with our sleep patterns but if you want to catch bigger fish then at night is the best time. Yet again though those conditions need to be safe enough to fish at night so please be careful. Maybe try a safe spot that you know fishes well in the daytime but go there at night and have a try. You also have the moon phases and tides to think about. We love a building tide rather than a dropping tide in respect of moon phases. 3 or 4 days before a spring tide (Waxing Gibbous) is our favourite time to go. Fishing the tide in or out is the same for us but that building moon phase with tides is important for us. As you can tell from what we have mentioned when you go lure fishing in our opinion is the most important factor to lure fishing. 

Where you go lure fishing is also quite important. The reason why we love lure fishing is it’s a light way of fishing and you can move if its rubbish fishing. We have a rule that if you don’t catch anything within 30 mins - 1 hour then you must move. They will come and go but the fish are either there or not so don’t waste your time casting every lure in your bag. It doesn’t really matter what you use they will either be there or not and if they are hungry then they will munch your lure. Think like a fish and find as many structures as you can because bass are simple creatures. They love to hide and surprise bait fish behind boulders, piers, weed and kelp. Also think of areas where fish might hold in back eddy’s. Little coves where the water churns around and holds fish. We love a bit of swell/surf here in Cornwall so if you can fish safely from a rock or a headland then fish it either facing west on an incoming tide or east on an outgoing tide here in South Cornwall. 

What you use is the final thing to consider but something all lure fishermen obsess over. Some think that having the best rod and the best reel whilst using the most expensive lure will enhance their catch rate and it can help but it’s not the most important consideration. When you decide to go fishing is far more important than what you use.

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